
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Episode 38: The Modern Day Sniper Guys, Phil and Caylen
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Man.. It was good catching up with these two for a long over due podcast. Phil and Caylen are currently wrapping up some classes down in Florida, so I decided to get these two on while they are together. They ran into some connection speed problems but regardless of that, it was a killer episode and wont be the last time they're on. Tonight's episode was so much fun to do, as you would expect. I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN! Hope you guys enjoy tagging along in the conversation.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Episode 37: The King is back! Jacob Bynum
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Do I even need to say anything that remotely explains who Jacob Bynum is?? I didn't think so. Jacob is always a fun guest and a wealth of knowledge. He's got some big things coming for 2021. I'll let him do the talking.
Side note: I did the only "editing" ever done on the Just F'n Send It Podcast. Something crazy happened in the first minute or two with the audio, so I recorded a separate clip and spliced it in and deleted the fucked up audio. So here is your "youre welcome." As most of you long time listeners know, here at the JFSI Podcast, we like to keep things simple stupid for you without the frills, but I really felt the need to fix that shit.
Remember to download and subscribe to the podcast! If you wouldn't mind, rate the podcast however high or low you think it belongs. Thanks for all the support!
Also, go check out Jacob's new podcast "The Rifles Only Accuracy Podcast"

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Episode 36: Theis Protov with Hoplite Arms
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
What can I say about tonight's guest? Theis Protov's mind doesn't work like yours or mine. Theis is a perfect example of thinking outside the box. His genuine innovation in the firearms industry is nothing short of ground breaking. We cover a ton of those things but there's even more that are still under wraps until the right time. Hoplite Arms' business model should be the industry standard but sadly, is the exception. I really think the ballistic and firearm enthusiasts are really going to enjoy geeking out over what Hoplite has done and what they're going to do. Thanks for listening and supporting the show. Dont forget to comment, like, rate 5 stars, and share the podcast!

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Episode 35: Wellll....Sh*t...
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
There was an audio glitch somewhere in the first 15min of the episode.. I dont know WTF happened but it cuts out for a few seconds and picks back up.
My planned guest was tied up this week so i decided to give you guys a little place holder type solo podcast. Thanks for downloading and thanks for sharing. Give me 5 stars on iTunes and the like on the other apps. Stay tuned next week for an AWESOME episode with Theis Protov from Hoplite Arms!

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Episode 34: Sam Burns/Accuracy Obsession LLC
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Its always good to have my good buddy Sam on. Fellow competitor, engineer, Accuracy International enthusiast (putting it mildly), and good friend. Dont forget to comment and download.

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Episode 32: Keith Baker, PRS Stud Muffin!
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Man.. Although this episode was over 2.5 hours long, we talked for 4 hours. Keith Baker is one of my favorite people to see at a match, anywhere I go. What a wealth of knowledge he is, and a true stand up guy. We talk an array of different topics in this episode. He'll be back on REAL soon for a part 2, so keep an eye out for that one!
The audio on this one should be tons better than the last one. As always, thanks for the support!

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Episode 31: PRS Finale AAR and Finale Drama
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Jeff is back from the finale, of course, and we talk about his experience there. Along with that, we discuss the PRS drama, plans for Pactolus Precision, and a whole bunch of other shit. Jeff needs to get a new microphone. His volume records much lower than mine, so sorry for that. Great podcast tonight. Enjoy!

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Episode 30: 1 day AAR and Jeff's At The Finale!!
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Sorry for the gap in episodes. Some interviews didnt happen and 'tis the season of being busy as hell. Also, sorry for the error in episode numbering. I dont know how I got the count wrong but oh well. Had a great time at my last match of the year and Jeff is currently in OK for the 2020 PRS finale. We discuss about both matches along with some plans for 2021 mixed in. Hope you enjoy!! Dont' forget to chime in on the podbean app comments!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Episode 33: Josh Kunz With PVA Part 2
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Josh filled in for the previously scheduled guest and we had an awesome chat about bullets, hunting, .22 ELR, the election, and other topics. Dont forget to like the video and comment in the podbean app/Itunes/etc. Also, make the move from the tyrannical social media tech giants and over to Parler, and give the podcast and Patriot Valley Arms a follow. This is how we show them that we have had enough of their censorship. Hit them where it hurts. Thanks for the support, as always! Enjoy!

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Episode 27: Frank Galli from Snipers Hide
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
After day 2 of the Sniperd Hide Precision Rifle Course, I sat down with the man himself, Mr. Frank Galli. We recorded on his phone with microphones but I also had my phone recording as well incase something went sideways with his recording. We had an issue sending the audio from his phone to mine so I decided to just use the audio that I recorded. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Thursday Oct 22, 2020

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Episode 26: Erik Cortina PART 2
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Got another good one for yall. Erik goes into the mindset of a winner. We touch on a number of different subjects. I thoroughly enjoyed this chat with Erik and Im sure you will too. Like always, thanks for the support.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Episode 25: Team USA F-Class Shooter ERIK CORTINA
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
I told yall I was going to deliver, and what I delivered was 3 hours of knowledge coming straight to your ear holes. Erik was an absolute pleasure to have on. I learned so much and left me wanting to learn more. 3 hours just wasn't enough. Erik will be making at LEAST one more appearance on the Just F'n Send It Podcast to discuss the winning mindset. Who better to give us the run down than a champion?? Tonight's episode was super centered on reloading and the dogma that we all thought was doctrine. Check out Erik's free Youtube page for tons of knowledge, and subscribe to his Patreon page for the real deep dives into reloading, and learn how a champion does it. He emphasizes the fast, accurate, and efficient way to reload.

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Episode 24: Pre - VPRC Match and Updates
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
A last minute decision was made to record an episode tonight. Its been a hell of a 2 weeks for me. Getting my poop in a group before the match.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Episode 23: "It Once Was Lost but Now Its Found" - Scott Whitehead
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Pheewww.... Ive been thinking this recording was gone since we had some technical difficulties at the tail end of the interview. Thank sweet 8lb 6oz Baby Jesus that I went on Skype today to discover that it wasn't gone. Scott is a good friend of mine and is probably one of the most mentally tough competitors I know. Im so glad he wanted to come on and do an episode on the subject. We plan to record a part 2 in the future. Thanks to all my supporters and listeners. I wouldn't waste my time with this if it weren't for you guys. Check out my IG page if you haven't already and give me a follow for updates, bonus content, and videos. Also, if you only listen to the podcast via phone, check out the homepage of the podcast on the podbean website, and let me know what you think of the recent changes. Thanks for listening!